Our Beans

The first Bourbon trees found on our family's farm were planted in the 1950s in the plantations of Lagunillas, San Antonio and La Joya. They were planted by our grandfather. Bourbon was one of our grandfather's favourite varietals. While many growers in the 1950s were switching to more resistant and higher yielding plants to obtain bank financing, our grandfather decided to plant this heirloom variety. Today our Bourbon has received wonderful reviews including recognition in July 2009's Coffee Review.
Yellow Catuai in particular is one of our father's favourite varieties. Many of the newer plantations at our farm have been planted with Yellow Catuai. This is an intensely sweet bean, with notes of apricots and citrus.
The first trees of Maracatu were found on a plantation not far from our family's farm. This was a natural cross pollination between the Caturra and Maragogype varieties found in the area. What first strikes you about this bean is its buttery almost creamy body with its soft mellow cup. The tree itself looks very different to any other arabica varieties, much taller and with a longer leaf. The fruit of course is also bigger and it yields a large sized bean.
El Patron Espresso Blend
Although we didn't grow up drinking espresso at home, we have certainly developed great respect for this great drink. Because of the respect it demands, we decided to name our espresso El Patron. Our espresso blend is a single origin blend, made with only the finest Nicaraguan beans. We strive to bring you an espresso with a sweet acidity, a round and creamy body, with a balanced flavour and lingering floral and chocolately aftertaste.
Don Rey's Private Reserve
This Private Reserve is a blend of little tiny lots of different beans bought from local growers in our mountains. Usually these are beans that are bought in fruit, picked by the farmers with their own hands. Because the lots or quantities are so small, it simply doesn't make sense to process the beans on their own varietals. These beans come from selected growers, usually blends of caturra, bourbon and arabica typica . Don Rey's Private Reserve was named after our grandfather and father because these are beans that they would select themselves as the best ones in our area and would certainly make up their private reserve.
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Soft muted fragrance of sweet ripe cherries and vanilla. Sweet undertones of blueberries with a lingering aftertaste of maple syrup.
Central American Decaf
A blend of Central American Arabica Decaf beans that produces a balance between mellow body & pleasing flavour